Daily Prompt – Almost

It is 12 : 30 pm in Zimbabwe nearly halfway to the end of 2017. The daily  prompt  is about writing a post on the word  ‘Almost’ which is about things  that are about to be done.

I am almost at the end of 2017, yet I am almost about to cross over into 2018. I am in between so what is it I can write about in the last  post of the year.

While I am almost at the end of 2017, I am able to look back  on the past  11 months and 30 and half days. A year in which I have faced personal challenges but I can say confidently ‘thus far the Lord  has taken me’ I have no regrets because all I have experienced has been training ground I came out the other side a Victor. As they say ‘no pain no gain I am now  wiser and richer  as a result  of all I experienced. So I want to say to the year which is almost coming to an end fare well 2017, and to the year which is  almost dawning I am crossing over into 2018 confident that the God  who travelled with me then is ready  to travel with me again. What can the world throw at me which God and I can not handle together? NOTHING!

I wish you all who have visited my blog  and those who will be passing by  a Happy and wonderful New Year filled with many opportunities.

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